The KCS Forward Foundation creates moments for engagement.

The KCS Forward Foundation supports and enhances the educational experience of Kettering students, staff and families through grants, training, externships and special projects. The KCS Forward Foundation was founded in 2022. 

The KCS Forward Foundation is an independent 501(c)(3) charitable organization. 

Who Are We?

To celebrate the history and ongoing impact of the Kettering City Schools’ commitment to serving its students and families with excellence, the KCS Forward Foundation facilitates private, mission-focused support for the Kettering City Schools. 

Our mission is to provide opportunities and resources that enhance the positive educational experience for Kettering City Schools students, staff and families.

Our Mission

The Kettering City Schools Forward Foundation will connect students, families, alumni, businesses, and the community to move the Kettering City Schools forward now and for future generations.

Our Vision

Global Citizenship: The KCS Forward Foundation welcomes all individuals who value our mission to serve on the Board and supports all students and families. We work to show respect for history and tradition along with respecting innovative and diverse opportunities for change. We are committed to providing educational experiences that celebrate the unique contributions of diverse individuals, organizations, and communities. 

Engaged Collaboration: The KCS Forward Foundation believes that Kettering City Schools students and families are best served through collaboration with key players in our community – both locally and globally.  We can make the greatest possible impact on the educational experience by working together for continuous improvement and to create opportunities and tackle challenges in our school community that will enrich the lives of Kettering City Schools students and families. 

Thoughtful Communication: The KCS Forward Foundation is dedicated to mindful communication with all those involved in the Kettering City Schools community. We believe that respect in all forms of communication is essential for strong partnerships and educational experiences. Our communications are consistent with our actions and mission. 

Lifelong Learning: The KCS Forward Foundation promotes lifelong learning through building meaningful and mutually beneficial relationships between Kettering City Schools and the larger community. We believe in the power of pursuing goals and leveraging resources that allow the Kettering City Schools to move forward to adapt to the needs of our ever-changing community and world. 

Critical Thinking: The KCS Forward Foundation values creative problem-solving and innovation to serve students and families within the Kettering City Schools. We are driven to developing quality partnerships that encourage shared ideas and resources to have a positive educational impact for generations of families in Kettering. 

Our Values

Board of Directors

  • Jim Berlon


  • Jessica Kelly


  • Robyn Bittner


  • Ryan Konkel


  • Jason Moore


  • Jessica Stickel


Kettering City Schools

District Advisors

  • Mindy McCarty-Stewart


  • Rick Taylor


  • Kari Basson


  • Jenny Britton


  • Aaron Smith